FX Plus and Cornwall Health Library are hosting an in-person CPD event focussed on inclusivity within libraries. They are looking for library professionals in Devon and Cornwall willing to contribute to the day which takes place on the Penryn Campus, Cornwall, on Friday, 29 April. The event will be timed so that it's practical to make a day trip from outside Cornwall.
The theme of the event is how to promote inclusiveness and a sense of belonging for our library users. This could be through information literacy teaching, during inductions, in our collections, displays, events or within our customer service and student support roles. The hosts want to hear from all library professionals working within HE, FE, public libraries and NHS libraries. This is a chance to come together, share experiences and learn from one another. And there are lots of options for the types of sessions you might run from a short lightening talk to a workshop or presentation - 5 mins to 30 mins.
If you have a contribution to share, please submit a short abstract, including name, job role, institution, email, format of presentation and time required by Monday 14 March. To submit your proposal or for more details, contact Helen Dobson at cornwall.library@nhs.net
Falmouth University Library at Penryn Campus (c) Falmouth University