SWRLS and CILIP South West have joined forces to produce an Online Careers Forum.
We’ve invited a range of speakers across our sector to tell us about their own library employment experience, the pathway they took (often from quite different kinds of backgrounds) We plan to host a live Q&A with our speakers so that you can put your own questions to them.
Our aim is to support individuals across our respective membership organisations with career choices and career development in the library, information and knowledge management sector.
Watch our mini-film Q&A’s from six different staff in diverse roles and across a variety of libraries. With grateful thanks to all our contributors. (click the names below to be taken to the video)
Callum Elliott-Archer, Centre Manager
Exeter Library, Libraries Unlimited
Shakira Rawlins, Library Information Assistant, Digital & Document Delivery
University of the West of England (UWE) Library, Bristol
Emma Laws, Rare Books, Special Collections Professional
Exeter Cathedral Library, Exeter
Jordan Murphy, Knowledge & Information Specialist – Legal
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Laetitia Delaleuf, Knowledge & Library Services—Health
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Victoria Barnett, Prison Library Development Manager
Kent County Council
Project Gallery